Prodibio Aqua Turtle Nano 4 amboules

SKU: 301882

It combines two different products:
AQUA'TURTLE ODOR which will eliminate bad smells in the tank.
AQUA'TURTLE BACTER which is composed of different specific strains of bacteria, will degrade turtle dejection in order to have a healthier water in the tank.
When should Aqua’Turtle be used?
When they are bad smells in the tank
After every water change  ...More

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How to use Aqua’Turtle?
PRODIBIO recommends use of a filtration device in the aquaterrarium as well as regular water changes. Both products, Aqua’Turtle Bacter and Aqua’Turtle Odor are to be used in conjunction with one another and after water change.
What dosage?
0 to 60 L (0 to 15 Gal): 1 Aqua'Turtle Odor + 1 Aqua'Turtle Bacter
60 to 120 L (15 to 30 Gal): 2 Aqua'Turtle Odor + 2 Aqua'Turtle Bacter


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