Arcadia Earth Pro ShedSupport 30g

SKU: 302099

EarthPro-ShedSupport is a dosed, capsulated mineral and vitamin powder to be used over the usual shedding cycle.Many of the problems surrounding poor shedding are caused by poor nutrition, poor hydration and inaccurate humidity. Animals with low levels of B vitamins can experience difficult or partial sheds. This clever, dosed powder helps to provide support to animals from the ‘inside out’, boosting levels of those nutrients quickly depleted during the rigours of the shedding cycle. EarthPro-ShedSupport contains a double dose of B vitamins, natural vitamin E from plants and Bee Pollen to aid with skin health.  ...More

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Nutritional Information:
Vitamin B1 10mg/kg, Vitamin B2 16mg/kg, Vitamin B6 20mg/kg, Vitamin B12 50mcg/kg, Vitamin K 6mg/kg, Nicotinic 80mg/kg, Pantothenic 40mg/kg, Folic acid 5mg/kg, Biotin 1000mcg/kg.
Analytical Constituents:
Crude Protein:<2%
Crude Fats & Oils:<2%
Crude Fibre:<2%


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